Châu Nguyễn
- Hồ Chí Minh
- Nữ
- ******
- Hướng dẫn viên du lịch
- Tham quan triển lãm
- Tham quan nhà máy
- Tháp tùng
- Đàm phán
- Họp thông thường
- Họp cao cấp
- Tòa án
- Khám chữa bệnh
- Thăm hỏi xã giao
- Hội thảo nối tiếp
- MC song ngữ
- Dịch Cabin
- Đào tạo chuyển giao công nghệ
- Expertise and vast experience in Marketing & Communication. Extensive knowledge and insights in multiple sectors: Trade & Investment, Education, Food & Agriculture, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development, Public Health, Strategic Planning, Urban Planning, Real Estate, Arts & Literature, …
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass
Communications – Oklahoma City
University, 2008 - Certified Sales Executive, Certified
Marketing Executive – Sales &
Marketing Executives International,
2011 - Certificate of Attendance for
Interpreters Bootcamp – Society of
Translators and Interpreters of British
Columbia, Canada (STIBC)
10 years of experience as a simultaneous interpreter, and 15 years as a freelance interpreter/translator.
March 2020 – Present
Remote Simultaneous Interpreter (RSI) – Freelance
- Lead interpreter for webinars, online events, and key projects
that run through online meetings because of Covid. Coordinating
efficiently with clients to provide interpretation solutions on
various virtual meeting platforms to help all parties communicate
effectively and accelerate business processes seamlessly. - Most-used platforms: Google Meet, WebEx, Zoom, Microsoft
Team,… - Noted clients: Masan Group, VinCommerce, Boston Consulting
Group, Google, Cityland, EHL Advisory Services, Eloq
Communication, OXFAM, Informa Markets, International Trade
Center, Aware Technologies, MB Bank, USDA, NAFIQAD,Amazon
Web Services, HP, IFC, Lazada, Mekong Capital, Spice Research,
USDA, ZingNews, Viber,…
August 2014 – Present
Contracted interpreter – Masan Group Corporation (including
Masan Consumer, Masan MeatLife, Masan Hi-tech Materials)
- Provide simultaneous interpretation for management, BOD
meetings, and company events. Handle translation of documents
such as earning releases, internal materials, and annual reports. - Coordinate efficiently across departments to facilitate
interpretation at on-site, virtual or hybrid events.
2008 – present
Freelance interpreter & translator
- Offering Vietnamese-English Interpretation and translation services
whether on-site, online, or at hybrid events for corporation and
SMEs, public and private sectors, international organization, NGOs,
universities, etc. - Noted clients: AkzoNobel, APAX Leaders, Adidas, Forbes, TUD-SUV,
COFICO, Coteccons, Saigon Coop, FPT, HerbalLife, Ministry of
Industry & Trade, Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development,
Department of Planning & Architecture HCMC, WildAid,
Vietnamese-German University, Nong Lam University, Open
University, Infrastructure Asia, Bigfoot Production, OCB,
Techcombank, SingHealth, NHG Singapore, Parkway Hospitals, Trieu
An General Hospital, Medix AIA, TransMedic, Mediconsul Australia…
2012 – 2014
Certified trainer – SMEI Vietnam (Sales & Marketing Executives
International, Vietnam office)
- Conducted training courses in Sales, Sales Management, Strategic
Marketing Planning, Communication Skills, Customer Service Skills,
…for employees of companies across industries. - Noted clients: Vietnam Brewery Limited, Nestle, Vinamilk, GM
Motors, Eximbank, Long Phu Tourist, Vietnam Post, EVN,…
2010 – present
Adjunct faculty member, Food Marketing lecturer – Faculty of Food
Technology, Saigon Technology University
- Teaching Marketing courses for Food Technology students. Mentoring the Media & Event team. In-charge of enrollment marketing.
2010 – 2017
Communication Executive – Vietnam Association of Food Science and
Technology (VAFoST)
- Served as the contact point and lead coordinator of VAFoST for
international collaboration and partnership with IUFoST, FIFSTA,
industry stakeholders. Co-organized conferences and seminars
(ProPak Vietnam, Fi Vietnam). Co-founded the Young Achievers’
Safe Food Awards (YASFA).
2009 – 2014:
Marketing Manager – Trieu An General Hospital
- In-charge of marketing and PR activities for the hospital. Managed
a team of 4 people to carry out on-campus communication,
integrated marketing communication on mass media & online
channels. Built a productive network with healthcare reporters.
Published multiple success stories on prints; and co-produced a
year-long radio talk show on healthcare.